Add and run tests =================== Before every commit you have to run all tests. Every new feature has to have a good test coverage. You should use Test Driven Develpment ( and Acceptance Test Driven Develpment. Acceptance Tests correspondence to user stories ( They use TestBrowser sessions and reside inside the functional tests directory. Add a new test -------------- ``Go to (adhocracy)/src/adhocracy/adhocracy/tests and add you test ( Run all tests -------------- In an `adhocracy.buildout`_ you have ``bin/test``. Alternatively you can call:: (adhocracy)$ bin/nosetests --with-pylons=src/adhocracy/test.ini src/adhocracy/adhocracy/tests`` Run one test file ------------------ :: (adhocracy)/src/adhocracy/$ ../../bin/nosetest -s adhocracy.tests.test_module The -s option enables stdout, so you can use pdb/ipdb statements in your code. .. _adhocracy.buildout: