Architecture ============ Database and model classes -------------------------- .. py:currentmodule:: adhocracy.model Overview '''''''' We have 4 top level content classes user work with: :class:`page.Page` When the user creates a :term:`Norm` (respectively Paper, or german "Papier") through the web interface, he is internally creating a `Page` with the :attr:`page.Page.function` set to :data:`page.Page.NORM`. The text of the page is saved in `Text` objects in :attr:`page.Page.texts`, that may have different variants. Page is a subclass of :class:`delegateable.Delegateable`. :class:`proposal.Proposal` The actual text of the proposal is saved as a `Page` object with the :attr:`Page.function` :attr:`page.Page.DESCRIPTIION` in an attribute :attr:`page.Page.description`. In a *Page* a user can propose changes to a *Page (Norm)*. These are saved as :class:`selection.Selection` objects (see below). Proposal is a subclass of :class:`delegateable.Delegateable`. :class:`milestone.Milestone` A Milestone is used to represent a date or a deadline. Each Delegtable have a relation to one *Milestone*. :class:`comment.Comment` Comments can be created for :class:`delegateable.Delegateable` objects. The reference to the *Delegateable* is available as :attr:`comment.Comment.topic`. Each comment is associated with a :class:`poll.Poll` to rate content. If it is an answer to another *Comment* this is referenced with :attr:`comment.Comment.reply_id`. The text of an comment is stored as a :class:`revision.Revision`. If a comment is edited, a new *Revision* is created. *Revisions* have similar function for *Comments* like *Texts* have for *Pages*. Some of the more interesting models and support classes are: :class:`selection.Selection` A *Selection* is a "reference" object for the relation between *Pages (Norms)* and *Proposals* and stores additional information, especially when the relation was created or removed. :class:`text.Text` ``Text`` objects are only used to save text for :class:`page.Page` objects. See *Page*. :class:`revision.Revision` Store the text of a Comment. Similar to *Text*. See *Comment*. :class:`poll.Poll` A *Poll* is an object representing a particular poll process a :class:Comment, :class:Proposal or :class:Page/Norm Single votes relate to the :class:Poll object. :class:`vote.Vote` A `Vote` is a single vote from a user. It knows about the user whose vote it is, and if it was a delegated vote the useris of the delegatee that voted for the user. :class:`delegation.Delegation` Created when a user delegates the voting to an delegatee. It knows about the user who (`principal_id`) delegated, who is the delegatee (`agent_id`) for which poll (`scope_id` - the id of the delegateable object). :class:`delegateable.Delegateable` Base class for `Pages` and `Proposals` for which a user can delegate the voting. Sqlalchemy's joint table inheritance is used. :class:`tally.Tally` A `Tally` saves the linear history of the :class:Poll noting which vote occured and what is the sum number of `for`/`against`/`abstains`. :class:`watch.Watch` Users can subscribe to content changes and will be notified depending settings in their preferences. A *Watch* object is created in these cases. :class:`meta.Indexable` Mixin class for content that should be indexed in Solr. It defines only one method :meth:`meta.Indexable.to_index` that collects data from the models and will be uses automatically when a model object participates in a transaction. Almost all model classes have a `classmethod` ``.create()`` to create a new instance of the model and setup the necessary data or relationships. Furthermore methods like ``.find()`` and ``.all()`` as convenient query method that support limiting the query to the current :class:`.model.instance.Instance` or in-/exclude deleted model instances. Diagrams '''''''' Tables .. figure:: adhocracy-tables.png :target: _images/adhocracy-tables.png :width: 100% Diagram of the mapped tables .. figure:: adhocracy-classes.png :target: _images/adhocracy-classes.png :width: 100% Diagramm of all model classes Updating the diagrams ````````````````````` To update the diagramms install graphviz_ and easy_install `sqlalchemy_schemadisplay`_ into the environment adhocracy is installed in. Then run `python /adhocracy/scripts/`. It will create the diagrams as GIF files. Finally replace the GIF files in `adhocracy/docs/development` with the new versions. Delegateables ''''''''''''' .. currentmodule:: adhocracy.model.delegateable A user can delegate his vote to another user for :class:`comment.Comment`, :class:`proposal.Proposal` and :class:`page.Page`. This functionality is enabled by inheriting from :class:`.Delegateable` Inheritance is done with sqlalchemy's `joint table inheritance`_ where the *delegateable* table is polymorphic on :attr:`delegateable.Delegateable.type` Page Models ''''''''''' The model class :class:`page.Page` has 2 uses in adhocracy that are differentiated by the value of :attr:`page.Page.function`. * A *Page* represents a *Norm* if :attr:`page.Page.function` is :attr:`page.Page.NORM`. This is the primary usage of Page. * For every :class:`proposal.Proposal` a page is created and available as :attr:`proposal.Proposal.description` to manage the text and text versions of the :term:`proposal`. :attr:`page.Page.function` is :attr:`page.Page.DESCRIPTION` in this case. Pages are *delegateable* and inherit from :class:`delegateable.Delegateable`. Variants and Versions ````````````````````` The text of the *Page* is not saved in the page table but created as a :class:`text.Text` object. A page can contain different variants of the text, and for each variant an arbitrary number of versions, e.g.: * initial text * version 1 * version 2 * ... * other text variant * version 1 * version 2 * ... * ... Text variants are used for `Norms`. For the initial text, `variant` is set to :const:`text.Text.HEAD`. This text variant is handled special in the UI and labeled `Status Quo` in `Norms`. Other variants can be freely named. All text variants are listed in :attr:`.Page.variants`. Each variant can have a arbitrary number of versions. The newest version of the text is called the `head` (not to confuse with the default text variant `Text.HEAD`). You can get the newest version of a specific variant with :meth:`.Page.variant_head`. The newest versions of all variants is available as :attr:`.Page.heads`. A shortcut to obtain the newest version of the `HEAD variant` is :attr:`.Page.head`. Text variants are not used for pages that are used as the description of :class:`proposal.Proposal` objects (:attr:`proposal.Proposal.description`). The poll tally of a variant or all variant can be optained with :meth:`.Page.variant_tally` or :meth:`.Page.variant_tallies` Polls are set up per variant, not for the Page object. Page Hierarchies ```````````````` :class:`Page` objects (that have the funciton *Norm*) can be organized in a tree stucture by setting another *Page (Norm)* object as one of the :attr:`.Page.parents` of the current page. *Parents* can be an arbitrary number of :class:`delegateable.Delegateable` objects, but only one, not already deleted Page with the :attr:`.Page.function` :attr:`.Page.NORM` is allowed. *Parents* are taken into account when we compute a :term:`delegation graph`. The subpages of a page are available as :attr:`.Page.subpages`. Other functionality ``````````````````` Beside that `Pages` have functions and attributes to handle purging, deleting, renaming, Selections (`Page (Norm) <-> Proposal` relationships) and other things. See the api documentation for :class:`.Page` Indexing/Searching ------------------ .. py:currentmodule:: adhocracy Indexing and searching is done with `sql(alchemy)` and `solr`. Indexing with `solr` is done asyncronously most of the time while updates of the rdbm is done syncronously most of the time. The asyncronous indexing is done throug a `rabbitmq` job queue. Types of search indexes ''''''''''''''''''''''' Beside rdbm intern indexes adhocracy maintains application specific indexes (that partly act as audit trails too): * `solr' is used for full text and tag searches. It is an document oriented index. The index schema can be found in `adhocracy/solr/schema.xml` * new :class:`tally.Tally` objects are created with every new or changed vote and provide the current total of votes. Update application layer indexes '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. currentmodule:: adhocracy.models.hooks adhocracy implements an sqlalchemy `Mapperextension` with :class:`hooks.HookExtension` that provides hook method to sqlalchemy that will be called before and after `insert`, `update` and `delete` operations for every model instance that is part of a commit. To determinate what to do it will inspect the model instance for fitting hook methods. The asyncronous system roughly works like this: * :mod:`hooks` defines a list of event hook methods names that are also used as event identifiers (:const:.PREINSERT, :const:.PREDELETE, :const:.PREUPDATE, :const:.POSTINSERT, :const:.POSTDELETE, :const:.POSTUPDATE) * All model classes defined in :data:`adhocracy.models.refs.TYPES` are patched by :func:`.init_queue_hooks`. A function that posts a message message to the job queue (`_handle_event`) is patched in as all the method names listed above. The post to the job queue contains the the entity (model class) and the event identifier. * A number of callback functions is registered by :func:`adhocracy.lib.democracy.init_democracy` with the help of :func:`.register_queue_callback` in the hooks :const:`.REGISTRY` * Everytime one of the patched models is inserted, updated, or deleted, a generic job is inserted into the jobqueue that contains the changed model instance and the event identifier. * The background thread (`paster background `) picks up the jobs and calls :func:`handle_queue_message` which calls all registered callbacks. To have indexing and searching working propperly you need: * a working `rabbitmq` * a working `solr` * a running background process to process the jobs pushed into the `rabbitmq` job queue (`paster background `) Read the install documentation for setup information. Authentication and Permissions ------------------------------ .. _joint table inheritance: .. _sqlalchemy_schemadisplay : .. _graphviz: